“An Old Photo of Your New Lover” by One AM Radio

Last month I wrote about how One AM Radio’s “Accidents” is great for making you feel horrible about your love life, especially when you connect them to depression-inducing Jeffrey Brown‘s work.

Their song “An Old Photo of Your New Lover” is another one of those songs.

I know I wasn’t supposed to allow Pop Up Magazine to exist outside of and beyond the real-time experience of May 20, 2013 at Davies Symphony Hall. But it’s relevant to this.

I can’t remember all of it, but I think it was during Laurel Braitman’s piece called “Past Lives” in which she (or someone else if it wasn’t her) spoke of realizing her father had all these experiences before she was ever born. Her words were along the lines of “Everyone has a life before you and after you.”

Listening to “An Old Photo of Your New Lover” made me remember Laurel Braitman’s jarring statement with One AM Radio’s lines “There’s a world without you. You don’t want the news if you’re not a part of it even if it’s true you still fall apart at it.”

People’s lives move on.